Around 100 people attended the launch and enjoyed tours of the garden, meeting the designer and other people involved in creating it. Brightly coloured ribbons and balloons were hung from the pergola posts and following the welcome speeches, Cllr Kuldip Sahota, newly elelcted Chair of Great Dawley Parish Council, cut the ribbon and declared the garden officially open.
In his speech Cllr Denis Allen, Cabinet member for Community Services, said that the garden "provides Dawley with a wonderful tranquil setting that the community can use for relaxation, storytelling and other activities. This is an innovative project that has given local people the chance to have their input into an original project for all the community to enjoy."
Under a large gazebo in the centre of the lawn, children from three local schools (Ladygrove, Dawley C of E and Captain Webb) helped community artist, Natalie Toplass, to create a large tree mural using their handprints. Some of the winning poems from our poetry competition were also incorporated on the mural as well as painted on the posts of the pergola.
Radio Shropshire also joined us, as well as a film crew from BBC Springwatch who are producing a series of short clips about lottery funded projects for their forthcoming series.