
Build a hedgehog hotel at half term!

Join us at Dawley Library and Garden at half term for stories and games all about our hedgehog friends.

The activities will include building hedgehog hotels in our garden - will your hedgehog stay safe and snug in its hotel and survive the winter? You will be able to come back to Dawley library garden to find out and see how your hedgehog is getting on.

The activity will take place on Tuesday 28th October 10.30am - 12.00pm and is suitable for children 5 -11 and their parents or carers. To find out more and to book your place contact Liz or Kate on 382901.

Katherine Swift's visit to Dawley library and garden

On 11th September author Katherine Swift visited Dawley Library as part of the National Year of Reading to talk about her book The Morville Hours.

Answering questions from the audience, Katherine told us how she arrived at Morville and how the garden developed through various trials and triumphs. She also detailed the process of writing the book itself, from arranging a house swap in order to get the book finished to discussions over the artwork for the cover.

Visitors were then able to purchase signed copies of the book and have a look around the garden at Dawley library, which is now on its way to full bloom.

Thanks to Katherine for her fascinating talk, to the audience for their questions and to all those who contributed to a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon.